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Let's find out the What and Why of letme.


What it is

letme is a reliable, secure and fast way to switch between AWS accounts from the CLI written in Go.


It does so by creating or updating your AWS credentials under your AWS files and using profiles.

What it's not

This software is NOT intended for:

  • Securing your AWS files, letme just reads and writes to them.
  • You are responsable to prevent unauthorized access to those files.
  • Securing your AWS infrastructure (requiring MFA in your trust relationships, using a role with fine-grained permissions, ...)


As current AWS administrators, we've found that it wasn't easy to manage credentials from multiple accounts and follow AWS best practices at the same time. To solve all this issues and more we created letme. A tool born from the scratch with the following goals and design principles:

  • Reduce the hassle of interacting with AWS services on multiple accounts.
  • Leverage the interaction with AWS Assume Role API and AWS config files.
  • Do not tinker with end-user machine:
    • Using the keychain.
    • Updating environment variables.
    • Executing other programs.
    • etc.
  • No more: "From my local computer works."

letme is compatible with Linux, MacOS and Windows.